SmartCard Digital

Here at SmartCard Digital we believe that given a choice between paying 100% of a bill or paying only 20-50% the smart person will most often choose the latter. We're betting on it. SmartCard Digital allows you to pay through the app for huge savings!

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Get Smart. Get SmartCard Digital!

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Whether you own a small business or a large one, have 2 locations or 200, consumers want and need to know about your business, what you offer, where you are, and what sets you apart from your competition. It's up to you to take on the challenge of providing that information to them.

But how do you do that and not incur a huge expense?

We have a solution that's smart, innovative, and as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!

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We offer you advertising through our various marketing products for trade. That means no out of pocket expenses for you! That's right, you will never receive an invoice.

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When advertising with us, you'll reach tens of thousands of potential customers with information about your business while branding your message and making a connection with potential customers.

Pic - Simple Diagram of the path of products for sale to app to purchase
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We, your media partner, use our SmartCard technology to recoup the traded advertising revenue. And that only happens when customers, using the SmarstCard App, grace your doors, and buy from you. We assume all responsibility to recoup the trade assume none of the risk.

Here's how it works...

Say you commit to a $1,000 monthly trade toward your advertising...

  • A customer visits you and their bill is $50
  • With Smartcard we give them a discount off their bill

  • The customer pays the discounted amount but the entire $50 is deducted from your trade balance with us. Your hard costs on that $50 might only be 30%. So you would get $50 worth of guaranteed advertising for only $15 of out of pocket hard costs!

In the end you've reached a huge new customer base, you’ve had to pay nothing out of pocket, and it's all done at no risk to you. What a concept...What a value!

That sounds like a smart way to advertise!

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New customers, increased traffic, extraordinary savings on advertising.

That's the SMART way to do business.

Smartcard Digital